Up to $1,756 in SNAP (Food Stamps) payouts with 2025 COLA through October 20 in these 4 states

Up to $1,756 in SNAP (Food Stamps) payouts with 2025 COLA through October 20 in these 4 states

A lot of people in the US will get SNAP benefits in October 2024, according to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). Cost of living changes will happen because of all these Food Stamps sent to EBT cards.

In Hawaii, however, Food Stamp users will not get more money; instead, they will get less, which is different from the rest of the U.S. So, the 2025 COLA hasn’t been so good for everyone who got it. Let’s look at the four states that will only send payments until October 20.

4 States sending SNAP through October 20, 2024

In fact, funds for food stamps will only be sent to New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, and Washington until October 20. In some states, the SNAP office may have set up paydays and who is eligible for that payment date in a different way.

New Mexico

This State will deliver Food Stamps through October 20 for those whose Social Security Number ends in:

  • Social Security Number ends in: 04, 24, 44, 64, 84 = Food Stamps available on the 8th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 15, 35, 55, 75, 95 = Food Stamps available on the 9th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 05, 25, 45, 65, 85 = Food Stamps available on the 10th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 16, 36, 56, 76, 96 = Food Stamps available on the 11th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 06, 26, 46, 66, 86 = Food Stamps available on the 12th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 17, 37, 57, 77, 97 = Food Stamps available on the 13th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 07, 27, 47, 67, 87 = Food Stamps available on the 14th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 18, 38, 58, 78, 98 = Food Stamps available on the 15th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 08, 28, 48, 68, 88 = Food Stamps available on the 16th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 19, 39, 59, 79, 99 = Food Stamps available on the 17th of October
  •  Social Security Number ends in: 09, 29, 49, 69, 89 = Food Stamps available on the 18th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 = Food Stamps available on the 19th of October
  • Social Security Number ends in: 00, 20, 40, 60, 80 = Food Stamps available on the 20th of October


Ohio will distribute SNAP payment from October 2 through October 20. This State will use the case number to arrange paydays and its eligibility:

  • Case number which ends in 3 = Food Stamps available on the 8th of October
  • Case number which ends in 4 = Food Stamps available on the 10th of October
  • Case number which ends in 5 = Food Stamps available on the 12th of October
  • Case number which ends in 6 = Food Stamps available on the 14th of October
  • Case number which ends in 7 = Food Stamps available on the 16th of October
  • Case number which ends in 8 = Food Stamps available on the 18th of October
  • Case number which ends in 9 = Food Stamps available on the 20th of October
SNAP (Food Stamps) 2025 COLA: payment schedule for October increase up to  $1,751-$3,516
Source google.com

SNAP payments in Tennessee and Washington


This State uses the last two digits of the head of household’s Social Security Number, also known as SSN. So, if the last two digits of your Social Security Number are:

  • 35-39 = Food Stamps available on the 8th of October
  • 40-44 = Food Stamps available on the 9th of October
  •  45-49 = Food Stamps available on the 10th of October
  • 50-54 = Food Stamps available on the 11th of October
  • 55-59 = Food Stamps available on the 12th of October
  • 60-64 = Food Stamps available on the 13th of October
  • 65-69 = Food Stamps available on the 14th of October
  • 70-74 = Food Stamps available on the 15th of October
  • 75-79 = Food Stamps available on the 16th of October
  • 80-84 = Food Stamps available on the 17th of October
  • 85-89 = Food Stamps available on the 18th of October
  • 90-94 = Food Stamps available on the 19th of October
  • 95-99 = Food Stamps available on the 20th of October

The USDA doesn’t give any more details about the SNAP payouts in Washington. Because of this, you will need to call your local office to find out what day your EBT card money will arrive.

Also See:- $1,702 Will be Sent on These Dates: Confirm Eligibility Since Stimulus Check is Over