Texas is now being hit by a killer virus

People in Texas are dealing with very hot summer temperatures, but the sun’s UV rays aren’t the only danger that comes from being outside at this time of year. Over the past twenty years, we’ve gotten used to dealing with West Nile Virus. But now, a new virus is spreading across Texas, and this time it’s the world’s deadliest animal to blame.

The Centers for Disease Control say that the world’s deadliest animal is also one of the weakest animal species you could ever find in the wild. The mosquito needs to draw blood to both feed itself and its eggs, and because it jumps from host to host, this way of touch is pretty much the same as sharing dirty needles.

Obviously, the best way to avoid getting sick from mosquitoes is to stay away from them. There are many things you can do to get rid of mosquitoes, which you will learn about in two minutes at the end of this piece.

Along with the West Nile Virus, the Dengue Virus is currently the biggest threat that mosquitoes pose to people in Texas. Statistics show that the death rate from getting the Dengue Virus can range from less than 1% to 20%. However, the disease only gets serious 2% to 5% of the time.
