Rockingham is where Mark Robinson stops on his campaign trail

Rockingham is where Mark Robinson stops on his campaign trail

ROCKINGHAM—Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for governor of North Carolina, stopped by La Cabana in Rockingham on Friday as part of his campaign tour of the southeast part of the state.

After hearing a lot of claims in the news over the past few weeks, Robinson felt he had to reach out to the public personally to share his story and vision.

“We’re still running for office.” We don’t think the campaign is all that controversial. Some accusations were made against us, and our lawyer is working on them for us right now while we keep running for office, Robinson said.

Robinson told the dozens of people there that the charges against him are an attempt to distract from the problems in North Carolina. Robinson thinks that attacking Robinson’s character takes attention away from looking at the problems in state government.

“They won’t tell you why the governor of this state is important for public safety, public education, healthcare, infrastructure, and housing.” The governor picks the people who run those departments… Jones said, “They don’t want to talk about that or the facts of this state’s economy.”

“Before 2010, when the Republicans took over the legislature, the Democrats ran the whole state.” You can guess who was in that assembly. Josh Stein, who is running against me, but he never brings that up.

The Democrats ran the country at the time he was in charge, and they sent us $6 billion in debt. Because we couldn’t pay them, we had to put state workers on leave. For six years, teachers did not get paid more.

Robinson talked about Friday how the abuse of fentanyl and deaths from drugs are getting worse. Richmond County has a lot more deaths and suicides than the rest of the state. Robinson said that putting addicts in jail won’t help the problem.

“One thing we need to do right now is elect people who will give police the tools they need to turn off the faucet.” We need to stop in the street. It’s okay to sue drug makers, but we know that these people aren’t getting help from them. “They get it from people who sell drugs on the street,” Robinson said.

We let our bars become mental health treatment centers, which is one of the worst things we’ve done for mental health. People shouldn’t get care there. We need to get creative people who work in healthcare to come up with new ways for everyone in this state to get medical and mental health care. It is very much needed. It’s possible to do. We only need to work hard.
