How to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and determine your eligibility

How to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and determine your eligibility

Do you want to know if you can get SSI (Supplemental Security Income)? See below for the standards you need to meet to get these checks, which could be worth up to $943 for individuals and $1,415 for married couples.

This is information about Supplemental Security Income, or SSI. It helps low-income Americans who are blind, disabled, or 65 years or older by giving them monthly checks or direct payments.

SSI, a Federal financial assistance

This program helps about 7.5 million Americans make ends meet when they don’t make much money or have enough money to get by. This is not a Social Security payment. The U.S. Treasury, which is part of the Federal Government, pays for it.

Social Security, on the other hand, handles applications and payment times. The best part is that you can get SSI funds even if you are also getting SSDI or retirement benefits. Checklist to see if you qualify for Supplemental Security Income:

  • have a low income
  • have little or no resources
  • applicants are of the following:
    • blind
    • experiencing a qualifying disability
    • at least 65 years old
  • U.S. citizens and U.S. Nationals
  • some non-citizens may qualify
  • residency in any of the 50 States, The District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands
SSI vs SSDI: Differences, Benefits, and How to Apply

How to apply for SSI

When someone applies for Social Security, the first thing they want to know is if they are a child or an adult. In other words, it means that these regular payments can be made to both kids and adults.

Steps to apply online:

  1. Visit SSA’s official website:
  2. Select the applicant’s age under or over 18.
  3. Then tick the box to say the way you qualify, e.g. Disability/Blindness or 65+.
  4. Tick any additional boxes if you are applying for a different benefit.
  5. Click on “Learn how to apply” afterward.
  6.  Then select “Get Started” and continue the application process once you click on the “Next” button.
  7. Requesting an Appointment to Apply for Benefits may be necessary after filling it out.

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