Here are the most dangerous animals that live in North Carolina

Here are the most dangerous animals that live in North Carolina

North Carolina is home to many dangerous animals, such as poisonous snakes, hostile alligators, and deadly spiders.

There are some bad things that come with living in such a beautiful state, like dangerous animals.

From poisonous snakes to dangerous alligators, here are 10 animals you should stay away from:

1. Portuguese Man-of-War – This animal can sting very painfully and is often confused for a jellyfish. On North Carolina beaches, especially after strong winds, big swarms have been seen.

2. Alligators – Alligators live in coastal ditches, rivers, and streams, and they can get mean if you get too close.

3. Rattlesnakes – There are three types of animals that live in the state: wood, eastern diamondback, and pigmy. Their bites are poisonous, but most of the time people get hurt when they step on them.

4. Sharks – There are tiger sharks and sand tigers that live near the coast, and sometimes they attack.

5. Copperheads – In wooded places, these snakes make their nests. Their bites are painful and usually don’t kill, but you should get medical help right away.

6. Black Bears – You can find these bears in the mountains and swamps. They are usually shy, but if they feel threatened, they can get mean.

7. Cottonmouth – This dangerous snake lives in the swamps and lakes of eastern North Carolina.

8. Black Widow Spiders – These spiders like to hide in dark places, and if they bite, they can kill you.

9. Brown Recluse – Its bite is rare but dangerous; it can cause skin gangrene and needs immediate medical care.

10. Mystery Big Cats – Reports of big cats like cougars and panthers happen from time to time, which adds to the wonder of North Carolina’s wildlife.
