Social Security Makes Historic SSI Change Official – New Era for Retirees Begins in December

Social Security Makes Historic SSI Change Official – New Era for Retirees Begins in December

The latest data from Social Security shows that about 65 million Americans got monthly benefits. Of those, more than 2.5 million received both Social Security and SSI payments in the same month. Adults aged 65 and up and blind or disabled children with few or no means or income get monthly benefits from the SSI program.


In 2024, the most a person who is eligible will get from the federal government is $943. A person who is eligible and has a qualified spouse will get $1,415; and a dependent will get $472. At the moment, you can file for SSI in person, over the phone, online, or on paper.


But the Social Security Administration makes changes every year to improve benefits and the general experience for people who use Social Security. The SSA recently stated that a new, easier-to-use online application system will be put in place this December.


This is a big step forward in modernizing and simplifying the process of applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The iClaim extension, the new online tool, is meant to make the application process easier by using simple language and pre-filled answers when possible.


Social Security makes a historic change for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

This easy-to-use process is meant to cut down on the time people spend on the application and speed up the handling of first claims. According to Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security, this success is important because it means that people in our communities who depend on this important safety net should have a simpler and easier way to apply for benefits than we do now.


First-time applicants who are single and not married and are between the ages of 18 and almost 65 and are applying for both SSI and Social Security payments at the same time will be able to use the expanded i Claim service.


All claimants should be able to use the online application by the end of 2025, so this first step should make it easier for more people to use. SSA wants to make the user experience better, so it plans to use what it learned from the i Claim project to improve other types of applications, such as those made in person, over the phone, on a mobile device, or on paper.


The organization is also working on making it easy for kids to apply. The Federal Register also released a notice of changes made based on public comments. This shows that the SSA is committed to using feedback from applicants, advocates, and its employees to make the application process better.

Social Security Makes Historic SSI Change Official – New Era for Retirees Begins in December
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SSI’s new online application will streamline processes and ease collaboration

In addition to making it easier for people to apply for Social Security, this new program is meant to make it easier for workers to work together with the people they serve, so everyone has a better, more efficient experience.


Not only are these changes making it easier to apply for Social Security, but they also show that the government cares about underserved areas by making the application process more respectful and quick. This is one of the country’s most important safety nets.


Also, what was learned from expanding iClaim will be used in later steps of simplifying SSI. This will make the application processes easier for people who apply in person, by phone, on their cell phones, or on paper. As part of this plan, the government wants to make a different app for kids that is easier to use.


All of these steps will make it easier for Social Security staff to work with applicants by creating an application process that takes into account ongoing comments from the agency’s Customer Experience team, especially from underrepresented groups.


What steps should beneficiaries take if their SSI benefits are denied?

It can be upsetting to find out that your application for Supplemental Security Income was turned down. But this might not be the last word. You can have your claim looked at in four different ways, and you may be successful in the reviews process.


On the SSA’s website, it says that you can appeal most assessments and decisions about your eligibility for Supplemental Security Income, as well as changes to your benefit amount. You can make a formal appeal if you don’t agree with a Social Security ruling. Don’t forget that you can make an appeal online for most levels, even if you don’t live in the US right now.


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