Clocks Fall Back as Daylight Saving Time Ends in 2024

Clocks Fall Back as Daylight Saving Time Ends in 2024

August is coming to an end, and summer is ending. When it gets below 90 degrees, you should start to think about when daylight saving time will stop.


As always, the clocks will go back on Sunday, November 3, which means the days will get shorter. Different people have different thoughts on the practice, but on the plus side, we all get an extra hour of sleep.


Pennsylvania residents might soon be done with daylight saving time altogether

After a close vote of 103 to 98 in April 2021, the state’s House of Representatives passed a bill that could make daylight saving time permanent, ending the need to change the clocks every two years.


There are several compelling reasons to consider making daylight saving time permanent:

  • Energy Savings: Studies suggest that keeping daylight saving time year-round could conserve energy.
  • Improved Sleep Patterns: Eliminating the need to adjust clocks twice a year could lead to better sleep and overall health.
  • Consistency: A permanent daylight saving time would provide a more stable schedule for businesses and individuals alike.

As the end of daylight saving time draws near, it’s interesting to think about what might happen in the future. No matter how you feel about it, Pennsylvania’s plan to keep daylight saving time could lead other states to do the same.


Picture a world where we don’t have to change the clocks every two years. It’s easy to see why this idea is becoming more popular. There are strong reasons why everyone would gain from a permanent time change:

Clocks Fall Back as Daylight Saving Time Ends in 2024
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Fewer Traffic Accidents

One of the most annoying things about changing the clocks is that it makes more car crashes happen. Studies have shown that the change in time can make car accidents happen more often. By keeping the same time all year, we might see a drop in these crashes, which would make our roads safer for everyone.


Reduced Crime Rates

Another advantage of more daylight in the evening is the potential reduction in crime. Criminal activities often increase under the cover of darkness. With extended daylight hours, there’s a possibility that crime rates could drop, creating safer communities.


Healthier Lifestyles

A permanent change in time could also help people live better lives. With more sunshine in the evenings, there are more chances to do things outside and work out. Many people could have better physical and mental health because of this change.


Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, who has pushed for this bill, says that changing the clocks every two years is “inefficient and out of date.” He thinks that more and more people want a consistent time standard and wants Pennsylvania to be the leader in this effort.


A Growing National Movement

The state of Pennsylvania is not the only one doing this. Over 650 bills and motions have been filed across the United States, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). All of them want to make daylight saving time the norm all year.


However, until new laws are made, this year’s end of daylight saving time is still set for November 3. The question still stands: will there soon be a lasting change in time that could make these good things happen?


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