$3.1 Million Overpayment: Nevada Gaming Commission Debates Refund and Interest for Casino Owner

$3.1 Million Overpayment: Nevada Gaming Commission Debates Refund and Interest for Casino Owner

The Nevada Gaming Commission is delaying a $3.1 million tax return to the owner of 41 casinos, including Dotty’s, so that they can think again about whether interest should be paid on the overpayment because the company took so long to ask for the refund.


Nevada Gaming Commission Delays $3.1M Casino Tax Refund to Debate Interest Payments

According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, the owner of 41 casinos in Nevada, including Dotty’s and Bourbon Street Sports, paid over $3 million too much in gaming taxes over 32 months starting in August 2021.


The company, Nevada Restaurant Services Inc. (NRSI), found out about this mistake because they didn’t properly deduct certain amounts from their earnings. Now, they want the state to give the money back, but the Nevada Gaming Commission is delaying the refund to discuss whether they should also pay interest on it.


Concerns were made by the commission at a hearing about the interest that has grown since NRSI didn’t ask for the refund until now. The suggested deal included the $3.1 million refund plus interest of over $222,000.
But the commissioners thought the state shouldn’t have to pay more because the company was slow. They wanted to renegotiate the deal, but NRSI’s lawyer said he couldn’t do that until he talked to the company first.
$3.1 Million Overpayment: Nevada Gaming Commission Debates Refund and Interest for Casino Owner
Source (google.com)

Delayed Casino Tax Refund Could Increase as Nevada Gaming Commission Reconsiders Interest Payments

If a new deal is put forward in September, the commission might look at this again. Until then, though, the interest keeps adding up, which could make the end refund even bigger. This shows how important it is to move quickly on tax issues so that the state doesn’t have to pay more money.


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