Time Change in California: When to Adjust Your Clocks and From What Date

Time Change in California: When to Adjust Your Clocks and From What Date

People in California and most of the rest of the US will have to change their clocks to say goodbye to Daylight Saving Time and welcome in a new plan starting in the first week of November. This method has been used in most states for many years and is meant to save energy and make the most of outside light.


Do we set the clocks back or forward? The details for the Golden State.

The Standard Time Act of 1918 was the first law in the U.S. to change the time. This act said that on the last Sunday of March and October, the clocks had to be turned forward one hour. As rules changed over time, the Uniform Time Act of 1966 was passed as a more stable solution that is still in use today.


To welcome winter in the Northern Hemisphere, people in California will need to turn back their clocks. Most of the U.S. will see the change this year on Sunday, November 3, at 2:00 AM. The clocks will be turned back one hour right now, to 1:00 AM.

  • Save the Date: Sunday, November 3
  • Time to Change: 2:00 AM
  • Action Required: Set clocks back one hour

By following this custom, we are continuing a long-standing effort to save energy and make the best use of daylight. Write the date down and get ready for the change!

Californians need to turn back their clocks one hour on the first Sunday of November to mark the start of winter.


Adjusting Your Clocks

Depending on your gadget, you can change the time either by hand or automatically. There is no need to change the settings on an automatic clock; they are already set to the local time zone. However, both analogue and digital clocks need to be updated by hand, as explained in their own instructions. For peace of mind, it’s best to make the change before bed. That way, you’ll be sure to wake up at the right time the next day.


Winter Time in the U.S.: Areas Without Time Change

The US Department of Transportation (DOT) says that daylight saving time is now an important part of modern American life. It was first put in place to make transportation better, but now many people use it to save money and energy.

Putting in place Daylight Saving Time (DST) has become an important part of how well American society works.


The Role of the Supervising Agency

A certain body is in charge of keeping an eye on the different time zones in the United States. It’s important to remember, though, that this body does not have the power to change or remove these time zones. With a few major exceptions, Daylight Saving Time is used almost everywhere in the U.S.


Exceptions to Daylight Saving Time

There are two states and four regions that don’t follow DST. Hawaii, for example, chose not to use DST in 1967 because it is so close to the equator. In the same way, some Arizona towns were not required to use DST the following year.

Time Change in California: When to Adjust Your Clocks and From What Date
Source (google.com)

Legislative Developments

The nonpartisan and nonprofit Council of State Governments said that since 2022, “19 states have approved or enacted legislation to allow for year-round observation of DST if Congress permits it and, in some cases, if other states in the region also make the switch.”


These changes to the law show that people are becoming more interested in making DST a constant part of life, which shows how people’s tastes are changing in America.


Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming are some of these states. Meanwhile, people in California voted for a ballot measure to keep daylight saving time, but the state government has not yet done anything about it.


Disputes Among U.S. States Regarding Daylight Saving Time

A document highlights both the pros and cons of daylight saving time, presenting contrasting arguments. On one side, supporters of the extra hour of sunlight advocate for extending the measure. These supporters include:

  • Convenience stores
  • The commercial industry
  • The gardening industry
  • Golf clubs
  • Professional baseball and tennis

Opponents, on the other hand, point out the possible bad effects on health, such as :

  • Increased risk of strokes
  • Heart attacks
  • Sleep deprivation


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