A Fourth Traffic Light Color Is Coming: What It Is and What It Means

A Fourth Traffic Light Color Is Coming: What It Is and What It Means

New scientific study has looked into how adding a new colour to traffic lights could help traffic flow, especially in the world’s busiest cities.


A group of students from North Carolina State University has come up with a creative way to improve traffic flow in the future: adding a white light to traffic lights. This new signal would be used to guide self-driving cars that would be wirelessly linked to traffic lights.


The Evolution of Traffic Lights

Adding a white light to traffic lights is a new idea, but it’s important to remember that traffic lights have changed a lot since they were first made in 1868.


Traffic lights used to be controlled by hand, but now they are controlled by complex electrical systems and are an important part of road infrastructure all over the world. Adding a white light is a reasonable next step for these devices, which are being made to meet the needs of self-driving cars.

A Fourth Traffic Light Color Is Coming: What It Is and What It Means
Source (google.com)

Why a White Light?

The suggested white light would act as a warning for self-driving cars, making it easier for them to talk to each other and work together, which would improve safety and traffic flow overall. This addition isn’t just a small change; it’s a big step towards being ready for the age of self-driving cars.


The idea behind the white light is to tell self-driving cars to follow the lead of the car in front of them. This will make traffic move more smoothly and efficiently. This would cut down on the time that cars are stopped at crossings, which would save fuel and cut down on pollution.

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We can do the following by putting this system into place:

  • Smoother traffic flow
  • Reduced idle time at intersections
  • Lower fuel consumption
  • Decreased emissions

This cutting-edge way of managing traffic could change the way we get around in crowded towns, making them greener and more efficient.


Imagine that in the future, traffic management is completely smooth and effective because of a new idea called the white light symbol. The early stages of this innovative idea are being worked on by scientists. It could completely change how traffic is handled in cities, especially as self-driving cars become more common.


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