Break Free from Burdensome Property Taxes: McCormick Innovative Plan for Indiana Residents

Break Free from Burdensome Property Taxes McCormick’s Innovative Plan for Indiana Residents

Governor Candidate Jennifer McCormick’s Plan to Ease Property Tax Burden

How McCormick’s Plan Uses Income Tax Forms to Reduce Property Tax Payments

According to Chicago Tribune, Governor Candidate Jennifer McCormick has a new plan to help Indiana residents with their property taxes. She wants to make sure that people don’t have to pay too much in property taxes. People wouldn’t have to pay as much in property taxes because of her plan. It would only raise them by 10%. She also wants to help soldiers and seniors who are disabled by lowering their property taxes even more.


Other plans are not like McCormick’s because they do not use income tax forms to help people with their property taxes. As an example, people who own their own homes could put a unique number on their tax returns to show how much they paid in property taxes. This would help them pay less in income tax. McCormick’s plan also wants to raise the amount of money that people can keep without having to pay state and local income taxes.

Break Free from Burdensome Property Taxes: McCormick’s Innovative Plan for Indiana Residents
Source (Indiana Capital chronical)

Expert Endorsement: McCormick’s Property Tax Plan Wins Praise from Indiana University Professor

Professor Justin Ross at Indiana University and other experts agree that McCormick’s plan is a good one. People worry that they pay too much in property taxes, he says this helps ease those worries. Ross thinks McCormick’s plan to help people with their property taxes is well-thought-out and all-encompassing. People may be glad to see their high property taxes go down if the plan is approved.


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