New York State restaurants are not allowed to use “men’s, women’s, or ladies'”

New York State restaurants are not allowed to use men's, women's, or ladies'

This is forbidden for a restaurant in New York State.

This occurred more frequently in the past, but you cannot sell specific “men’s,” “women’s,” and “ladies'” drinks and charge different prices based on gender. According to New York restaurant surcharges and mandatory gratuities:

Prices for services cannot be based on gender.


Tip: Words like “men’s,” “women’s,” and “ladies’” cannot be used to describe the price.

For example, you cannot set rates for men’s drinks while offering reduced drinks to women alone. Some pubs and restaurants attempt to exploit certain vulnerabilities.

For example, some bars will try to offer a 2 for 1 women night, which is allowed to do, but males must also receive the same promotion.

New York State has a rigid and detailed business handbook that everyone must follow.
