Black women lead the charge for change at Georgia’s January 13th rally.

Black women lead the charge for change at Georgia's January 13th rally.

Recently on “Wake Up With Dee” host Dr. Dee Dawkins-Haigler declared On January 13, 2025, the Georgia Black Women’s Roundtable and other women’s organizations will host a big rally at the Georgia State Capitol.

The event, which focuses on empowering Black women and campaigning for their causes, promises to be a watershed moment in Georgia’s political scene. The event is part of a larger campaign to advocate for social justice, equity, and policy changes that directly affect Black communities.

Helen Butler, Convener of the Georgia People’s Agenda and the Georgia Black Women’s Roundtable, discussed the event in a recent interview.

She emphasized the partnership of numerous Black women’s organizations throughout Georgia, all under the umbrella of “Black Women U3, ” which stands for united, unapologetic, and unstoppable.

The project seeks to highlight Black women’s voices and demand that lawmakers address their problems urgently and effectively.

The Divine Nine, the National Council of Negro Women, the Top Ladies of Distinction, and many other organizations will be represented at the event.

These organizations are joining forces to propose a common agenda prepared during a brainstorming workshop in Macon last year. The purpose is to guarantee that Georgia politicians take Black women’s issues seriously and take appropriate action to address them.

The event will start at 8:30 a.m. on the Capitol grounds. The event will also feature a live radio broadcast, and the day will wrap up with a networking luncheon at 12:30 p.m.

The luncheon will allow participants to meet and plan the next steps in their advocacy efforts. While the rally is free, the luncheon will need a nominal fee. Accommodations and transportation to the Capitol will be available for out-of-town visitors.

Ms. Butler also stated that the event will start the night before with a reception to help people prepare for the rally and to foster a sense of camaraderie among participants.
