Is It Illegal to Ding Dong Ditch in Hawaii? Here’s What the Law Says

Is It Illegal to Ding Dong Ditch in Hawaii Here’s What the Law Says

While there is no specific law in Hawaii that explicitly prohibits “ding dong ditching,” this prank can potentially lead to legal consequences under various statutes.

Disorderly Conduct: In Hawaii, disorderly conduct (Haw. Rev. Stat. § 711-1101) encompasses behaviors that cause physical inconvenience or alarm to the public.

Ding dong ditching could fall under this category if it:

  • Creates unreasonable noise
  • Subjects others to offensively coarse behavior
  • Creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition

Disorderly conduct is typically classified as a violation, but can become a misdemeanor if the intent is to cause substantial harm or if the behavior persists after a warning.

Criminal Trespass: Entering someone’s property without permission to ring their doorbell could potentially be considered criminal trespass. In Hawaii, trespassing on residential property is a misdemeanor that can result in up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,000.

Harassment: Repeated instances of ding dong ditching targeting the same residence could be interpreted as harassment. In Hawaii, harassment is a petty misdemeanor punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.


While ding dong ditching may seem like harmless fun, it’s important to consider:

  1. Safety risks: Confrontations between pranksters and homeowners can escalate into dangerous situations.
  2. Property rights: Entering private property without permission, even briefly, can be problematic.
  3. Disturbance: The prank can cause genuine distress, especially to vulnerable individuals.


Although ding dong ditching isn’t explicitly illegal in Hawaii, it can lead to various legal issues depending on the circumstances. It’s best to avoid this prank to prevent potential legal consequences and respect others’ peace and property.

