This $1,312 stimulus cheque is your last opportunity

This $1,312 stimulus cheque is your last opportunity

Thanks to the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD), Alaska has historically given its people checks to help the economy. The money in this fund, which was set up in 1976, comes from the state’s natural resources, mostly oil and minerals.

By law, these earnings have to be given to Alaskans who meet certain requirements. The last payment for the fiscal year 2023 will be sent out this week.

This payment will be $1,312 and will start being sent out on September 12, 2024. Even though this is the last payment for the 2023 PFD, Alaska’s Department of Revenue has already said that the 2024 payments will begin soon after, depending on how much money was made that year.

What is the permanent stimulus check Fund Dividend?

The Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend is the only program in the U.S. that makes sure that Alaskans get a share of the money made from the state’s natural resources, like oil and gas. This program, which began in 1976, was made to make sure that the money made from these resources would help both the government and the people of Alaska.

The PFD works more like a form of national basic income than a one-time stimulus check. It gives money every year to residents who are qualified and who have turned in an application by the due date. Alaskans can count on getting a check every year as long as they meet the residency standards.

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How does the PFD payment work?

The Alaska Department of Revenue figures out the amount of the bonus every year by looking at how much money the state made from using its natural resources during the previous fiscal year. The money is then given to residents who meet the requirements and send in their applications before the cutoff, which is usually the end of March.

The check that will be given out this week will be for $1,312 for the fiscal year 2023. Some residents will get money if their applications were accepted and their records show that they are “Eligible-Not Paid.” According to the official times on the PFD’s website, the deposit is set for September 12, 2024.

Last chance to receive the 2023 check

The last payment for the 2023 Permanent Fund Dividend will be made this week. This does not, however, mean that there will be no more payments. The Alaska Department of Revenue will keep sending out checks for 2024 over the next few months, but this is the last payment for 2023.

People who live in the state and think they should get their 2023 check should contact the Department of Revenue to make sure their application is correct and to find out when they can expect to receive their payment.

How are the checks distributed?

People who live in the state can get their PFD payments in two main ways: directly into their bank account or by mail with a check. Direct deposit is what most people choose because it is faster and safer. People who would rather get a paper check should expect a small wait because of the time it takes to mail checks.

Eligibility requirements for receiving the dividend

Alaska residents must meet a few simple requirements in order to be eligible for the PFD check. One of the main requirements is that the person applying must have stayed in the state for at least a full year, during the fiscal year for which the dividend is being asked for.

Also, people who want to get the money must not have been in jail or have serious crime records that could keep them from getting it.

It’s also important to remember that people who want to get this dividend must send in their forms by the due date. The last day to apply for 2023 was the end of March. The rule was the same for 2024, and people who missed the deadline will not be able to get the reward for that year.

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