People who bought something at Walmart USA on this date might be able to get a refund

People who bought something at Walmart USA on this date might be able to get a refund

Walmart, a well-known grocery store chain, has some good news for people who bought a certain item during a certain time period. This news comes after two companies that sell canned foods were sued and found to have broken the law.

In a big change, StarKist and Lion Capital have been accused of setting the prices for other brands of canned tuna and selling their own at too high of prices. People said they had to pay more for these tuna goods because of what they said was a plot between the two companies.

Who Benefits from This Settlement?

People who bought packaged tuna at Walmart between June 2011 and December 2016 will be helped by this deal. Additionally, people who bought these items at other shops, like Sam’s Club, Costco, and US Foods, can also get paid.

About the Settlement

  • Despite not admitting to any wrongdoing, the tuna companies agreed to settle the lawsuit for a substantial amount.
  • The total settlement amount is US$3.6 million.
  • Out of this, only US$270,000 will be paid by Lion Capital, with the majority of the sum being covered by StarKist.

The companies haven’t admitted to breaking the law, but their choice to settle for a large sum raises some questions. The goal of this deal is to make things right for the customers who were hurt the most by the alleged price-fixing plot.

Walmart Return Policy: What You Need to Know - SimplyWise

How to Claim Your Walmart Payment in the United States

If you bought canned goods from the company between the times given, you might be able to get money from the multimillion-dollar settlement that these companies have to deal with. On the other hand, you should have gotten a letter telling you about this situation.

StarKist’s Commitment to Social Responsibility

In a press statement, StarKist’s CEO said that the company is “committed to being socially responsible and is pleased to settle this claim with our largest customer on fair and reasonable terms.”

Investigation by the Department of Justice

The probe began in 2015 and was led by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. The companies were being sued for controlling and price-fixing behavior that made it harder for other businesses to compete.

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