Pennsylvania Rent Increase Laws 2024: What Tenants Should Know

Pennsylvania Rent Increase Laws 2024 What Tenants Should Know

Tenants need to know about Pennsylvania’s rules on rent increases in order to protect their rights and deal with possible changes to their rental agreements. Here’s what you need to know about 2024 rent hikes:

1. Notice Requirements

In Pennsylvania, landlords must provide tenants with written notice before implementing a rent increase. The notice period is typically:

  • For leases with a fixed term: At least 30 days before the lease term ends.
  • For month-to-month leases: A minimum of 30 days’ notice is required.

2. Limitations on Rent Increases

There are no state-wide rent control laws in Pennsylvania that say how much rent can go up, but each city or town may have its own rules. It’s important to check the city’s laws because some towns may have rules or restrictions on rent increases.

3. Lease Agreements

The rules of the lease often say how much the rent can go up. If you have a fixed-term lease, the owner usually can’t raise the rent until the end of the lease, unless the lease says otherwise. Tenants should look over their leases to see if there are any sections that talk about changing the rent.

4. Discrimination and Retaliation Protections

It is against the law for landlords to raise rent unfairly or because a renter used their legal rights, like complaining about unsafe living conditions. If you think that a rent rise is unfair, you should write down any conversations that were had and talk to a lawyer.

5. Negotiation Options

Tenants can talk to their landlord about a possible rent rise. This could mean talking about why the price is going up or suggesting a lower price. Open communication can often lead to an answer that works for everyone.

6. Local Resources

Tenants should get help from services in their area. Tenant unions, housing support groups, and legal aid services are some of the groups that can help and give advice. Tenant counseling services are available in many places in Pennsylvania to help people deal with problems caused by rent increases.

If you think that a rent rise is unfair or breaks the law in your area, you might want to talk to a lawyer who specializes in landlord-tenant law. They can help you learn about your rights and what you can do next.


Tenants in Pennsylvania may have to pay more for rent in 2024, so it’s important to know the rules and your rights. Keep in mind the notice periods, lease terms, and local rules, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. You can handle rent increases well if you stay aware and take action.
