On this date, people aged 65 and up will get up to $943 from SSI. Set up Social Security

On this date, people aged 65 and up will get up to $943 from SSI. Set up Social Security

If you are at least 65 years old, have a low income, and few or no means, you may be able to get Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This program is paid for by the federal government and can give people up to $943.

The next monthly payment will be sent to people who have already applied for and been approved by Social Security in October. On most months, the SSI check is due on the first of the month. When it’s on the weekend or a Federal holiday, though, things may be different.

SSI payment for 65-year-olds in October

Claimant’s Supplemental Security Income payment will be sent on October 1. For more than 7 million people in the United States, this is their only paycheck.

If they don’t lose their eligibility, that means everyone will get money on that day. Always keep in mind that you might not be able to get SSI if your personal or financial situation changes.

For instance, if you get married and your pay goes over the limits set by Social Security, you will not be able to get benefits. It’s very common to get a discount, which could stop you from getting full amounts. If you are over 65, you can also get this payment on October 1.

Next Direct SSI Payment Update: $943 Check Payment Day Announced
Source google.com

SSI maximum amounts and average payments for October 1, 2024

Some people who get Supplemental Security Income can get an extra $1,415 if they are married and qualify. As a result, it is a much bigger check than the $943 check for a person.

If you are getting SSI and are an important person, the most you can get is $472. People over 65 who don’t make much money can get both Social Security and Supplemental Security Income.

The average retirement income is about $1,920 a month, but if you want to get Supplemental Security Income, it may have to be much less. There is an average check worth $575 for people aged 65 and up. Extra help from the government can also be given to blind people or people with disabilities.

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