North Carolina’s Strange Folklore: Mermaids in the Cape Fear River

North Carolina's Strange Folklore Mermaids in the Cape Fear River

The folklore of North Carolina is full of strange animals and stories that have been told for hundreds of years.

From the mountains to the coast, North Carolina is full of magical creatures and places like fairies, Bigfoot, and mermaids.

One of these stories is about mermaids living in the Cape Fear River. It was told in the 1700s, during the Revolutionary War.

Soldiers said they saw mermaids sitting on a beach and washing their hair in the moonlight, according to the story. This spot, which is now called Mermaid’s Point, was near where the Deep River and the Haw River met, which is where the Cape Fear River starts.

It wasn’t far from Ramsey’s Tavern, a place where soldiers went to drink after long, hard days of war. The mermaids were seen more than once during this time, but it’s interesting that they were always seen after the men had been drinking, which may have made people less trusting of the story.

Ramsey’s Mill was finally taken over by the British Army in 1781. After the war, the mermaids were never seen again. Today, both Mermaid’s Point and Ramsey’s Tavern are underwater. The only things that remain are stories and an old road sign that tell us of this magical North Carolina legend.

Do you think these sightings were real or just the thoughts of a tired soldier?
