MLB shows appreciation to former professional players

MLB shows appreciation to former professional players

Most people read about history, but Henry Mullins and Willie Sellars, who were both born and raised in Rockingham County, lived an interesting part of it as professional baseball players in the Negro Leagues.


When they’re in Reidsville, where they grew up, they fit right in and are just normal, humble people. Mullins and Sellars live close to each other and get along great with each other.


You can always find these guys with a smile on their face at church on Sundays or high school baseball games on Friday nights.


Not the type to brag, many of their friends and neighbors didn’t know that they used to play professional baseball for the now-defunct Indianapolis Clowns until earlier this year.


The two went to Danville in 1970 to try out. Mullins hit a home run inside the park, and Sellars shut out the other team to secure a 1-0 victory. The coach thought that was enough to make them want to join the team.

