Knowing When North Carolina’s First Snow Will Fall

Knowing When North Carolina's First Snow Will Fall

If you love the first snow in North Carolina, you’re probably really looking forward to winter. I don’t like snow at all, and I’d rather it not snow at all this winter. If you don’t live in the very south of the U.S., though, you should get some snow this winter.

The last few winters have been very warm. When and how much snow will North Carolina and South Carolina get this year is really what people want to know. This gives us a better idea of when the first snowflakes will fall.

When to Expect the First Snow of the Season’s weather experts have looked into when the first snow will fall in different parts of the country. How did they find out when the first snow would fall?

A video from their friends at Direct Weather helped. An article on last week said that the first snowfall of the season can be disappointing for skiers, but it’s still something to celebrate, they said. “As the Gen Z kids say these days, the first snowflakes of the season hit different.”

The experts at Direct Weather look at trends from the past to figure out what will probably happen in the future. Of course, things and the weather change over time, so these forecasts change too. In the United States, central Colorado, northern Wyoming, and southern Montana are the places that usually get snow before anyone else.

The fact that some places in the U.S. get snow as early as September scares me to death. Of course, most of the early snow in the U.S. falls in the mountains at higher levels, so I try to be skeptical when I read that it snowed in the mountains in August.

People who live in North Carolina say that the state “usually” gets its first snowfall in late December. If you live there, you might have a White Christmas. Some other states that fall in late December are Arkansas, Oklahoma, Delaware, Tennessee, and southern New Mexico.

South Carolina has to deal with some more trouble. According to the experts, the first snow usually falls in northern South Carolina in January. It is said that southern South Carolina doesn’t get snow very often. Get in touch with me if you think it will snow, and stay warm this winter.
