Kallam Grove Christian Church

Kallam Grove Christian Church

For the afternoon, we went to a friend’s farm in Rockingham County, which is about 20 miles from Greensboro. It was a three-day weekend. Between Greensboro and Madison, the roads that wind through the woods are very pretty.


Our friend’s house is at the end of a dirt road that doesn’t go pavement. It’s getting harder to find roads in Guilford County that look like that. We drove by Kallam Grove Christian Church on our way back. It was set up in 1865, which was in the middle of the Civil War.


The first place where people met was under a brush tree.A small, white, wooden church was finally built. From the start, they have been a Christian church that works like a community. All church business is brought to the church, and members vote on it.


The church building you see above is the one that was built in 1992. A safe place is to the right. In the background, you can see the graveyard, which has graves from the 1800s.


It’s so fun to drive through this part of North Carolina on those twisting, back country roads and find a country church by accident. They’re everywhere, and most likely having a hard time keeping members.


But learning the history of these churches and the families who have given them land and helped them over the years is an important part of North Carolina’s history.


We think of the second line of J.R.R. Tolkien’s poem “The Riddle of Strider” as we drive around on these weekend trips. “Not all those who wander are lost.”


We are not lost when we are out walking. We also know that all it takes is a quick look online to get where we want to go. So, be brave, listen up, and check out the roads within 20 miles of Greensboro.

