Edwards quits the Rockingham City Council

Edwards quits the Rockingham City Council

In August, there was an empty spot on the City Council in Rochester.

She has worked for the government for almost ten years and is now leaving her job.

The council accepted Edwards’ departure after Mayor John Hutchinson read out loud a letter she sent saying she was sorry.

In the letter, Edwards said, “My health has hit a point where I can no longer do my job as an effective city council member.” “Therefore, I’m giving notice that I’m leaving my job.” Thank you for the council’s support and the chance to serve the people of Rockingham.

Edwards has missed a few meetings in the past year because of her health, and her husband died not long ago.

Councilwoman Denise Sullivan said that he has met Edwards more than once and seen that he has trouble moving around.

Sullivan said, “Anne just thought this was the best thing to do; she didn’t want to do it.” Edwards also thought it was best for the council and the people who lived in the city to step down.

Sullivan broke down in tears and said, “But I do ask that you pray for Anne.”

Edwards was first put on the council to finish the rest of Travis Billingsley’s term, which ended in 2015. He then got the seat back in later elections.

The last time she was chosen was in 2021, and her term ends in 2025.

A councilman named Bennett Deane said, “Anne did a good job.” “She did a lot for the community and was very active for a long time. She was a good council member.” It’s sad to see someone change… I’m grateful for all she did for me.

Edwards worked for Pee Dee Electric and was on the city’s Planning Board before he joined the council.

Mount Crump, the city manager, said, “She was always very involved in the community.” She had a view from almost everywhere because she knew everyone and everyone knew Anne…In the community, she was a good voice for what was going on, and on the city council, she fought for what she heard in the community and moved the city forward, which we’re very grateful for.

He also said that Edwards was able to show her love for people and the city while she was on the council.

“Anne worked hard for the people of Rockingham and the city, and we will miss her service…””We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers,” Hutchinson said.

By Oct. 1, at the end of work, anyone living in the city limits who wants to finish the rest of the term should send Crump a letter or email at City Hall.

The council will choose one of the applicants, and the choice may or may not be made at the October meeting.
