7 Washington Towns People Are Fleeing As Soon As Possible

7 Washington Towns People Are Fleeing As Soon As Possible

The state of Washington is known for its beautiful coastlines, dense forests, and big towns like Seattle. However, not every part of the state is as appealing. People are leaving some towns in large numbers in search of better job chances and quality of life. We will look at seven Washington towns that people are leaving as soon as possible and explain why they are doing so.


1. Aberdeen

1. Aberdeen

The economy of Aberdeen, which is in the southwest part of the Olympic Peninsula, has had a lot of problems over the years. The timber business used to make the town very successful, but since then, unemployment rates have been very high. A high crime rate and a lack of job chances have caused many people to leave for better places to live.


2. Longview

2. Longview

Along the Columbia River, Longview has the same problems as Aberdeen: the paper mill and timber businesses are going out of business. The town has a cute small-town feel and beautiful scenery, but some people don’t like the slower pace of life and lack of jobs. Younger generations are moving away in large numbers to find work in bigger towns.


3. Centralia

3. Centralia

The town of Centralia has a lot of past, but it has had a hard time adapting to the way things work in the modern economy. Many people in the state are having a hard time making ends meet because the economy isn’t growing and the typical income is less than the state average. People leave the town for places with better job prospects and higher standard of life because it doesn’t have many amenities or services.


4. Wenatchee

4. Wenatchee

Wenatchee is known as the “Apple Capital of the World,” but the number of people living there has been going down over the past few years. The income of the town depends a lot on farming, which can be affected by changes in market prices and crop yields. Moreover, rising housing costs have made it hard for many locals to afford to stay, forcing them to move to areas with lower housing costs.


5. Yakima

5. Yakima

Yakima, which is in the middle of Washington, has its own problems. The town is an agricultural hub that grows a lot of apples, hops, and wine grapes, but it also has a lot of poverty and crime linked to gangs. Many families have moved to cities to find better schools and safer areas because they don’t have as few job and school options in their area.


6. Spokane Valley

6. Spokane Valley

While Spokane Valley is a part of the greater Spokane urban area, it has not grown and changed as much as its bigger neighbor. People who live there say they have problems with crime rates going up, property taxes being too high, and not having enough public services. Because of this, a lot of people are choosing to move to places around Spokane that are more prosperous.


7. Kelso

7. Kelso

Another town that has been hit hard by the loss of jobs in the timber business is Kelso. People are leaving to find better job chances because there aren’t many economic opportunities and a lot of people are poor. Because the town is small, there aren’t as many services and fun things to do, which makes it less appealing to younger people.



People move out of these places for a variety of reasons, such as bad economic times, few job opportunities, and problems with the quality of life. Washington state is still doing well in many areas, but these towns show how hard things are for some neighborhoods. Using targeted economic growth, investments in infrastructure, and community services to deal with these problems could help these towns come back to life and stop people from leaving.


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