68-year-olds could get Social Security direct deposits on one of these 3 days

68-year-olds could get Social Security direct deposits on one of these 3 days

In the United States, a lot of people who are 68 years old are already getting Social Security retirement payments. It’s important to know that you can apply for them after you turn 62.

People who have paid enough in income taxes to SSA can, of course, retire early. They will have to wait until they have at least 40 work credits before they can go.

When could 68-year-olds receive the next Social Security payment in the U.S.?

On September 11, the Social Security Administration will send the next payment to 68-year-olds who are retired. Anyone aged 62 or older could get this paycheck if they are qualified. It won’t just go to people in this age group.

The money will be sent to 68-year-olds born between January 1 and October 10, no matter what month it is. Of course they can’t:

  • break Social Security rules to be eligible
  • be on SSI simultaneously
  • have received retirement benefits before May 1997

68-year-olds may also get paid on the third and fourth Wednesdays of September. After September 11, payments will be due on September 18 and September 25. Once more, the birthday condition is very important. If you were born between November 11 and December 20, your pay day is December 18. After that, your pay day is December 25.

Maximum Social Security payments this week for ages 62, 66 and 70
Source google.com

Payment amounts for 68-year-olds on Social Security in September

For people aged 68, the average retirement benefit amount will be about $1,950. But some seniors may choose a bigger payment if they made a lot of money while they were working. They might have been able to get about 16% more if they had filed at age 70.

Still, since they put off retirement for at least a year, they are eligible for an extra 8%. Yes, if they filed in 2024 at age 68. Some of them are 68 years old, but they’ve been getting benefits for up to 6 years. In some cases, this means they may get paid less.

The average Social Security payment for retired workers is about $1,919 a month. It’s pretty close to what 68-year-olds might get, as you can see. Get up to $3,822 if you filed when you were 66 years old in 2024.

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