$1,700 is raised by the Back the Blue ride for Christmas projects in Richmond and Scotland counties.

$1,700 is raised by the Back the Blue ride for Christmas projects in Richmond and Scotland counties.

ROCKINGHAM — The fifth annual Back the Blue Ride was attended by more than 50 bikers, and it raised $1,721 to help local police buy gifts for kids in Richmond and Scotland counties.

This year’s total is only a tenth of what was raised in 2023, but it’s $1,000 more than what was raised at the first ride, even though four times as many people went that year.

The money raised kept going up: $700 in 2020, $12k in 2021, $14k in 2022, and $17k in 2023.

Chris Jackson, a longtime Laurinburg PD officer, started the ride at the request of his wife, who saw a pushback against police across the country. This year, Jackson took a break, and one of his fellow cops, Kevin Powell, took over.

Powell stepped up and “kept this ride alive” with only a month and a half to plan, Jackson said in a Facebook post.

Powell said that there were more than just bikes there. A fire truck and a Jeep were also there.

Rockingham and Laurinburg police forces, as well as the sheriffs’ offices in Richmond and Scotland County, will each get some of the money that was raised.

People on the ride met up with others at the Hide-A-Way Tavern north of Rockingham. The ride began at the Bistro in Laurinburg. As soon as the group left the bar, they drove by police stations in both counties.

As the bikes went by, the Rockingham Police Department put up a recording.

When they got back to the Bistro, the Blewett Dam Band played live music.

Donations of money can be made until December 7. You can email Powell at [email protected] or message him on Facebook to make a contribution.

Jackson is already getting ready for the event next year.
