SSI: This is the best week in August for getting two payments and direct transfers for three groups of people.

SSI: This is the best week in August for getting two payments and direct transfers for three groups of people.

And even though the Social Security Administration (SSA) planned to send a Supplemental Security Income check on August 1, there will be another one before the end of the summer.

People who get SSI will get their September payment on August 30, 2024. Social Security never sends payments on weekends or holidays, so the payment had to be moved to the previous work day. Direct payments will be made on September 30 instead of September 1, which was the first Sunday.


Which other payment has the Social Security Administration scheduled?

The payment date for people who get SSDI or retirement benefits will be the same, but they will not get their money until August 28. The thing is, they need to do a few things before they can get this check or direct payment. You will get a Social Security check on August 28 if:

  • you are not receiving SSI benefits
  • you did not qualify for the August 2 payment
  • did not start getting benefits before May 1997
  • have your birthday after the 20th of any month

In fact, that will be the last payment for people aged 62 and up who are retired and getting SSDI in August. When it comes to direct payments, the amounts could be bigger for people who are retired. But how much?

Which other payment has the Social Security Administration scheduled?

How much money can Social Security pay to retirees and SSDI recipients?

It was claimed by Social Security last July that the average retirement benefit payment is worth $1,918. If a person is on SSDI, they will get about $381 less a month, unless they worked for a long time and made a lot of money.


In general, SSDI benefits can be worth $1,537. However, if you are chosen to receive the largest payment, you could receive a check or direct deposit for as much as $3,822. People who get SSI get money from the Federal Government, which pays for these benefits.


For married couples, SSI can be up to $1,415 a month, or $943 a month for single people. Social Security Administration can give up to $4,873 to people who make a lot of money and get retired benefits. This is the biggest payment.


Also Read :- Thousands of Americans will no longer get Social Security benefits. Here is a list of those who will be impacted.