SNAP Update: New Rule Food Stamps Goes Live in Less Than 1 Month

SNAP Update: New Rule Food Stamps Goes Live in Less Than 1 Month

Some Americans aged 53-54 on SNAP benefits may lose Food Stamp payments after three months if they do not meet all the requirements for them

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have said that changes will be made to SNAP rules soon. If you want to get Food Stamps for more than three months in a row as an Able-Body Adult Without Dependents, you need to get ready.

People between the ages of 18 and 54 who don’t meet certain work standards will only be able to get SNAP benefits for three months. But what are the rules that the USDA has set?


SNAP and ABAWD work requirements

In fact, the USDA gives people a number of ways to meet the unique needs of their work. So you can choose the one that works best for you based on your own needs. Adults (18–54 years old) in some US states will be able to get an exemption.

On October 1, 2024, people aged 18 to 54 who get SNAP will be able to use this new ABAWD time limit. That means it will start in less than 50 days. Because of these specific needs, you will need to work at least 80 hours a month.

As long as you get something in return, it doesn’t matter what it is. In fact, work can be done for free. You could also take part in training classes that last the same amount of time, 80 hours. Like SNAP Employment and Training and other local, state, or government programs that qualify. Putting together work and training might also be possible.


Arguments for Limiting ABAWD Exemptions:

  • Proponents argue that work requirements incentivize self-sufficiency and help move people towards financial independence.
  • Exemptions should be limited to only those who are truly unable to work, such as those with severe disabilities or barriers.
  • Allowing too many exemptions could undermine the goal of encouraging work and reducing reliance on government assistance.

Arguments for Expanding ABAWD Exemptions:

  • People who disagree with strict work standards say that they unfairly punish weak people who have a hard time finding work.
  • A lot of ABAWDs with low incomes might not be able to get stable work, transportation, education or training, health care, or other services they need to keep their jobs.
  • Taking away food aid doesn’t solve the problems that cause unemployment and might make food shortages and poverty worse.


SNAP Update: New Rule Food Stamps Goes Live in Less Than 1 Month
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Who is exempt from the ABAWD work requirement and time limit for SNAP benefits?

Of course, there is an exception for people under 24 years old who were in foster care on their 18th birthday. Should you be homeless, you do not have to meet these exact work requirements.

Vets can also get an exemption, as can people who are pregnant or have a condition. If you have a child or someone under 18 living with you, you can skip this time limit and the extra work that comes with it.

People with disabilities may have problems with their minds or bodies. If you don’t meet the job requirements for ABAWD, you will lose your Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits after 3 months.


How Having a Child Affects ABAWD Work Requirements for SNAP Benefits

If a person has a child or someone under 18 living with them, they don’t have to work to get SNAP benefits (Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents). These are the main points:

  • As long as they don’t meet certain exceptions, people ages 16 to 59 who are able to work must meet the general SNAP work standards. One reason is taking care of a child under 6 or someone who isn’t able to do things for themselves.
  • The ABAWD work requirement and time limit affects healthy people between the ages of 18 and 49 (which will rise to 54 by 2024) who do not have any dependents. If you have a child under 18 living with you and you get SNAP, you don’t have to follow the ABAWD rules.
  • *The general work rules are for people who have kids. But the tougher ABAWD rules don’t if you live with a child under 18 who gets SNAP. You don’t have to work or learn 80 hours a month, and you don’t have to wait 3 months.
  • New rules from the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 will gradually raise the age limit for ABAWD to 54 by 2024. But having a child younger than 18 is still an exception to the ABAWD rules.