A study shows that thousands of seniors in Hampton Roads are missing out on SNAP benefits because they are embarrassed or confused about how to apply. This is true even though the Elderly Simplified Application Project offers easier ways to do so.
Thousands of Hampton Roads Seniors Missing Out on SNAP Benefits Due to Application Barriers
Wavy says that a new report shows that a lot of VA seniors are missing out on food benefits they are eligible for.
The Urban Institute and the National Council on Aging found that more than 100,000 Virginians aged 65 and up are qualified for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits but are not using them. More than 15,500 older people in Hampton Roads are missing out on these perks.
They might not apply for benefits because they are ashamed, believe they do not qualify, or think the process is too difficult. The Norfolk Department of Human Services’ Larhonda Ross said that seniors should not be afraid or too proud to ask for this help because it’s important for them.
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