Executive Order by NYC Mayor Eric Adams Addresses 1.4% Rental Vacancy Rate and 578 Miles of Undeveloped Waterfront to Build 500,000 Affordable Homes by 2032.

Executive Order by NYC Mayor Eric Adams Addresses 1.4% Rental Vacancy Rate and 578 Miles of Undeveloped Waterfront to Build 500,000 Affordable Homes by 2032.

To help fix the terrible housing shortage in New York City, Mayor Eric Adams has told city agencies to look at their land for possible affordable housing sites. The goal is to build 500,000 new homes by 2032.


Mayor Eric Adams Pushes for Affordable Homes in NYC

According to CBS NewsNew York City Mayor Eric Adams is taking new steps to find land for affordable homes. As a result, he signed an order telling city departments to check their land to see if it can be used to build new houses. The mayor is especially interested in land owned by the city that is near the water. This land has a lot of room for homes.


With only 1.4% of rental units empty in the city, it’s important to find places to build new affordable houses. City officials are looking at a wide range of properties, including old sewage buildings and empty lots, as possible places to build homes. Adding 500,000 new homes by 2032 is a big goal for the city, so every spot is being looked at.

Executive Order by NYC Mayor Eric Adams Addresses 1.4% Rental Vacancy Rate and 578 Miles of Undeveloped Waterfront to Build 500,000 Affordable Homes by 2032.
Source (CBN News)

The city is moving quickly, but they are being careful not to use parks or other safe places. The  Legal Aid Society  agrees with the mayor’s plan, but they also want more measures that help tenants, like rental subsidies and limits on rent increases for flats that have been stabilized.


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