Common Mistakes Drivers Make When Refueling Their Gas Tank in This Country

Common Mistakes Drivers Make When Refueling Their Gas Tank in This Country

It may seem like a normal thing for drivers to do to fill up their petrol tank, but did you know that if you don’t do it right, this seemingly simple job can come with big risks and problems? If something goes wrong during this process, it can affect not only how well the car works but also the safety of the driver and those around them. These mistakes can be avoided completely if you know what you’re doing and pay close attention to the details.


Experts in Colombia say that the two most popular types of petrol are regular and premium. The main difference between them is the octane rating. A higher octane fuel has a number of advantages, including:

  • Better Engine Performance
  • Enhanced Protection of Engine Components
  • Lower Fuel Consumption
  • Reduced Emissions 

Most of the time, mistakes made while re fueling can be bad. Not only are these mistakes using the wrong kind of fuel, but they also include things like leaving the petrol cap off or filling the tank too much. This kind of mistake can cause:

  1. Decreased Vehicle Performance
  2. Potential Safety Hazards
  3. Environmental Impact 

By being aware of and knowledgeable about the process, drivers can make sure that their cars last longer and work better, as well as their own and other drivers’ safety on the road.


Remember that paying attention to the little things can help keep your car running well and keep you safe.


When picking the right petrol for your car, it’s important to follow what the manufacturer says about the octane number. Using the wrong amount of gas can hurt your engine’s performance and even cause damage.


Importance of Octane Rating

In Colombia, high-end petrol like Prim ax’s Extra G-Prix can have 98 octane or more than that. A better octane rating means that the fuel will be used more efficiently, which can:

  • Reduce fuel consumption by up to 3%
  • Improve engine performance
  • Lower emissions

These benefits are highlighted by Premix representatives, emphasizing the importance of choosing high-quality fuel.


High-Quality Diesel for Optimal Performance

It can also be helpful for diesel cars to choose fuels with good additives. Using high-end diesel fuels can:

  • Reduce fuel consumption by up to 2.5%
  • Decrease emissions by 25%

These advantages make it clear that selecting the right fuel isn’t just about following guidelines—it’s about enhancing your vehicle’s performance and contributing to a cleaner environment.

Additional Tips

Read our guide on how to buy a car in Colombia without going into debt for more tips on how to make smart choices about cars. When you fill up your car with petrol, it’s important to follow safe procedures to avoid risks and keep everyone safe.

A group of experts in Colombia says that drivers often make some mistakes when they are refueling that they should not do. Here are some mistakes that people often make when they refuel. Let’s learn how to avoid them.


Common Mistakes Drivers Make While Refueling

Leaving the Engine Running

One of the worst mistakes you can make is leaving the engine going while you fill up with petrol. It can be very dangerous to do this when there are petrol vapors or a fuel leak around. When the engine is going, it makes heat and sparks.


If these come in contact with the petrol vapors, they could catch fire that way. To lower these risks, make sure you always turn off the car right before you fill up with petrol. This simple step makes things a lot safer by stopping dangerous vapors from catching fire.


It might seem like a good idea to fill up your petrol tank all the way to the top, but this is a common mistake that can go wrong and cause problems. Despite what most people think, filling up your tank too much does not make it use less fuel.


It can actually lead to leaks that could hurt your engine. At petrol stations, there are hoses that cut off the fuel flow automatically when the tank is full. This lets the gasoline expand. Because of this, it’s always best to leave some room in your tank to avoid problems that come with having too much fuel.


Using the Wrong Type of Gasoline

A lot of bad things can happen if you use the wrong kind of petrol for your car. Some of these are losing power, hearing strange noises, using too much gas, and even having trouble starting your car. These signs usually mean that the fuel’s octane number is wrong for your engine, which makes it less efficient. This mismatch can cause problems with premature wear and expensive upkeep.


It is important to remember that these signals may also have something to do with the vehicle’s general mechanical health. So, it’s best to take it to a specialized workshop to be checked out. It is very important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions about what kind of petrol to use to get the best performance and extend the engine’s life.

Common Mistakes Drivers Make When Refueling Their Gas Tank in This Country
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Mixing Extra Gasoline with Regular Gasoline

Some drivers mix extra petrol with regular petrol, mostly for cost reasons, because they think it will raise the octane number of the fuel. Technically speaking, though, this is not a good idea either.


Why You Should Avoid Mixing Gasoline Types

Each vehicle has specified in its manual the type of gasoline that optimizes its performance. By combining these two types of fuel, you alter the specific properties of each, which can prevent you from obtaining the full benefits that each type of gasoline offers individually.

  • Manufacturer Specifications: Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on gasoline type to ensure the best performance.
  • Optimal Performance: Using the correct type of fuel as specified in your vehicle’s manual ensures optimal engine performance.
  • Prolonged Engine Life: Sticking to the recommended gasoline type helps in prolonging the lifespan of your engine.

In conclusion, while mixing different types of gasoline might seem like a cost-effective solution, it can lead to suboptimal performance and potential mechanical issues. Always adhere to the manufacturer’s specifications for the best results.


The Importance of Gasoline Quality

It makes a big difference in how well your car runs what kind of petrol you use. It’s important for drivers to know what each brand offers and make sure that petrol stations have certifications that prove the quality and amount of the fuel they sell.


Signs of Fuel-Related Issues

Drivers should be vigilant for signs of fuel-related problems, such as a decrease in power or an increase in fuel consumption. Recognizing these issues early can help maintain your vehicle’s efficiency and prolong its lifespan.


Using Electronic Devices

Electronic gadgets, like cell phones, should not be used while refueling at all costs. Even though it might not seem dangerous, a small spark from one of these gadgets could start a fire if petrol vapors are nearby. To keep yourself safe while you’re re fueling, you should not use any electronics and should follow the safety rules set by gas stations to avoid taking unnecessary risks.


Smoking at a gas station poses a significant risk due to the highly flammable nature of gasoline vapors. Even a small flame can trigger a fire or an explosion. Therefore, it is crucial to refrain from smoking in these areas and adhere to safety regulations to prevent dangerous situations and ensure the well-being of everyone present.


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